U.S. Marine Corps – 6 Leadership Lessons from Col. John Church, USMC(Ret.)

U.S. Marines do not make leadership a mystery. You shouldn’t either!

In 2010, I was struggling with my business, personal and financial. Fortunately, for me I received a thank you letter from a colonel in the U.S. Marines, John Church. Little did I know how this simple act of kindness would change my life for the better. After I read the letter I knew intuitively that Col. Church is a world-class leader.

The following are leadership lessons I learned from Col. Church.

Leadership Lessons from Col. John Church

  1. Leaders are learners and readers.
  2. Improvise, adapt, & overcome.
  3. Build and maintain trust-based relationships as a top priority.
  4. Prepare and train to keep everyone prepared for the most challenging tasks.
  5. Accountability and responsibility are critical.
  6. Marines have an honor code of a warrior because they are warriors.

What are you learning? Who are you serving? What is your honor code?

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