Meditation, Mindfulness and Mental Strength – Why it is Popular

In 2010, I became stressed, broke and frustrated. My thinking known as discursive thinking interrupted my thinking and productivity. My work environment stressed me out and frustrated me. It did not matter what I said or did no one would listen.

As a solution to my disruptive thinking, I took a course on mindfulness meditation at University of Pennsylvania with Dr. Michael Baime. Dr. Baime’s course on mindfulness is an 8-week program that meets once a week. The course provides powerful tools for coping and personal growth. It changes the way we experience ourselves and how we view the world. It is based on ancient principles and modern cognitive science.

As a result of taking the MBSR – Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course I am better able to:

  1. Manage thoughts and emotions.
  2. Develop a positive attitude.
  3. Have healthier and engaging relationships.
  4. Increased my mental strength and resiliency.

What are you doing to increase your mental strength? How are you handling your stress?

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