Learn to be Smarter -“Smart Thinking” by Art Markman – Great read!

Smart Thinking

A few years back I was watching TV and saw an interview with Dr. Art Markman from University of Texas. I ordered the book and became immediately fascinated by it. Dr. Markman researched and wrote about the neuroscience of learning. His research became the foundation and motivation of my understanding of how we learn. I highly recommend this book in you suggested reading book list.

After reading the book I used this book as a foundation for Smart Thinking Leadership and Problem Solving Capabilities. As a reference, Smart Thinking Leaders utilize smart thinking tools and techniques.

Be smarter – you can increase your learning, creativity and smart-skills by reading this book.

As a result of reading Smart Thinking:

Dr. Art Markman, Author of “Smart Thinking”
  1. I began to better understand how our brain learns
  2. Became more confident on my ability to learn
  3. Became smarter in my learning habits and techniques
  4. Overcame learning obstacles.

In Amazon’s summary Smart Thinking gives readers:

  • The means to replace self-limiting habits with new behaviors that foster smart thinking
  • An understanding of the mind itself as well as memory
  • The ability to define and solve problems by finding and applying relevant knowledge
  • Ways to present and process information effectively

You can become a Smarter Thinker and Leader? Add this book to your reading list!

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