Leadership Insight – Play to Your Strengths

StandOut – Marcus Buckingham

While I researched and reviewed my career objectives I ran into several resources that assisted me along the way. One of my favorite resources is the work done by Marcus Buckingham. My favorite book he wrote is
StandOut: The Groundbreaking New Strengths Assessment from the Leader of the Strengths Revolution.

“StandOut unveils your top two Strength Roles and offers sharp, practical ideas that professionals and managers in any organization can use to find their edge and win at work. Source Amazon

You can take Buckingham’s Strength Finder Assessment at https://standout.tmbc.com/

In Buckingham’s assessment the strengths are divided into 9 categories:

  1. Connector
  2. Equalizer
  3. Advisor
  4. Influencer
  5. Stimulator
  6. Creator
  7. Provider
  8. Pioneer
  9. Teacher

What are your strengths? How can you best utilize your strengths? Where do they best fit?

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