Do What You Are – Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type

Do What You Are

Focusing on each Type’s strengths, Do What You Are uses workbook exercises to help you customize your job search, get the most out of your current career, obtain leadership positions, and ensure that you achieve the best results in the shortest period of time.

This book will lead you through the step-by-step process of determining and verifying your Personality Type. Then you’ll learn which occupations are popular with each Type, discover helpful case studies, and get a full rundown of your Type’s work-related strengths and weaknesses.  – Source Amazon

The Myers Briggs Assessment is broken down into 4 psychological functions:

Myers Briggs Assessment Types
  1. Introversion – Extraversion
  2. Thinking – Feeling
  3. Sensing – Intuition
  4. Judging – Perceiving

Special Note – the material presented in the MBTI criteria are assessments – the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something. They are meant to be a guide and framework to investigate and highlight your strengths. We recommend that you review these findings to stimulate your own personal self-discovery.

How can you discover your strengths to increase career satisfaction and direction?

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