Calm, Clarity & Focus – Reduce Stress

Box Breathing – Check out this excellent resource to reduce your anxiety and stress before you give or receive feedback.

Deep breathing and relaxation activate the other part of your nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system, which sends a signal to your brain to tell the anxious part that you’re safe and doesn’t need to use the fight, flight, or freeze response. Deep breathing gets more oxygen to the thinking brain.

Stress-reducing techniques

  • Play with your kids or pets – outdoors, if possible.
  • Take a walk in nature.
  • Meditate or practice yoga.
  • Work in the garden or do a home improvement project.
  • Go for a walk, run or bike ride to clear your head.
  • Read a book, short story or magazine.

Mindful Athlete – George Mumford – Reading Resource

The Mindful Athlete

A widely respected public speaker and coach, Mumford is sharing his own story and the strategies that have made these athletes into stars in The Mindful Athlete: The Secret to Pure Performance. His proven, gentle but groundbreaking mindfulness techniques can transform the performance of anyone with a goal, be they an Olympian, weekend warrior, executive, hacker, or artist.

Michael Jordan credits George Mumford with transforming his on-court leadership of the Bulls, helping Jordan lead the team to six NBA championships. Mumford also helped Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum, Lamar Odom, and countless other NBA players turn around their games.

Source Amazon

How can you use these resources to increase your resiliency and focus? How are you reducing your stress and anxiety levels?

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