Surefire Connection Strategies – Thank You, Appreciation and Gratitude

My good friend gave, Jim Sherry recommended the book Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi. Keith’s book highlights several actions to incorporate into your everyday networking connections.

As a result of reading the book, I began to take action by showing gratitude and appreciation for the people in my network. It increased my influence, knowledge and influence in my network. You can too!

We all want to feel positive and acknowledged for what we do or who we are. Think of the times people have thanked or appreciated us. How did it make us feel?

Show Thank You, Appreciation and Gratitude:

  • Be sincere and authentic.
  • Show your appreciation to your network and connections with positive compliments and appreciation.
  • Send personalized Thank You, Appreciation and Gratitude messages.
  • Send appreciation messages via the mail. This one action will separate you from most professionals.

Share your professional and personal resources when appropriate.

  • Share your resources – knowledge, insights and wisdom.
  • Be the one to go first – give before you ask.

Connect your network connections to each other so all can benefit.

  • When appropriate connect your connections so all benefit.
  • Be viewed as the person who knows the person who can get things done.

You can and will to increase your influence, connections and self-confidence. Who can you connect to in your network? What can you do to show appreciation and gratitude? Start now!

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