Leadership Lesson a from Silver Star Recipient

Dennis Murphy, U.S. Army – Silver Star Recipient

Leadership lessons from Dennis Murphy, (Ret.) U.S. Army

Silver Star

Dennis is a recipient of the Silver Star for valor in combat during the Vietnam War. Dennis Murphy had been in Vietnam for six months when, during a firefight with the Vietcong, he dashed into enemy fire to try to pull a fallen comrade to safety.

The Silver Star Medal, unofficially the Silver Star, is the United States Armed Forces’ third-highest personal decoration for valor in combat. The Silver Star Medal is awarded primarily to members of the United States Armed Forces for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States.

Courage in the face of adversity –
“I grabbed my friend and I was dragging him out and as I’m pulling him out I open up and a round went through his ankle and through my ankle,” said Murphy. “I hit the ground and as I looked over, there were three guys six or eight feet away. A round came over to my left and I could follow the round like in the movies. And I watched it go through my knuckles. It almost took my head off. I said, ‘Oh boy, I’m not going to get him out of here.’ I got up to move and they hit me again and again and again. I was able to crawl out on my own and get back to my lines, eventually.” – Dennis Murphy

Service to others –
“I learned that all the nonsense of society that separates people is meaningless and that working together we can accomplish anything.” – Dennis Murphy

“There is an old saying – We are judged by the company you keep” It took me a long time to learn this lesson. Fortunately, I am fortunate to have Dennis Murphy as a friend, role model and positive influence.”

What obstacles are you facing?

How can you use the challenges and obstacles you face as growth experiences?

How can you overcome the challenges you face?

What can you learn from Dennis?

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