6 Principles of Influence to Boost Conversions – “The Psychology of Persuasion”

Ever wonder how to increase the ability to influence others. So did I. Robert Cialdini wrote a great book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The book provides the 6 principles of influence – reciprocity, social proof, commitment/consistency, authority, liking and scarcity.

6 Principles of Influence

Influence – Cialdini
  1. Reciprocity – give a little to get a little. We tend to treat others as they have treated us.
  2. Commitment Consistency – humans have a deep need to be seen as consistent. If we have publicly committed to doing something we are more likely to do it.
  3. Social Proof – defined as people doing what they observe other people doing. We are significantly influenced by this principle when we are unsure of ourselves or if we are in new environments.
  4. Authority – we generally have a tendency to obey figures of authority. Job titles and uniforms impact the behavior of people. It is in our nature.
  5. Liking – the more we like someone the more we tend to be influenced by their behavior. Liking is based on sharing something we have in common. Or liking can be affected by how a person looks.
  6. Scarcity – if something is in short supply we tend to want it more. Think of a concert or sporting event that is sold out.

In summary, understanding how influence impacts us provides insights into our own and others’ behavior.

How can we use the insights of influence in our companies, teams and personal lives?

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